The Beaded Scarf:
I finally got around to blocking this scarf. It was incredibly easy to block - I just wet it and pinned it to my blocking board. A few hours later it was flat and dry. I can't wait for fall to come so I can start wearing it! Here it is, all finished:
The Garden Plot Dress:
I am really proud of how this turned out. I got it all blocked and sewn together in a day. A tip for anyone doing this - block the skirt first, then sew the side seams. The directions say to sew then block but it was so much easier to block it first. Here's a pic of it in the blocking stage:
And here is the finished dress, modeled by the happy recipient:
Yes, those are toys around her ankles. She discovered yesterday that she can slip the soft rings from one of her baby toys on her ankles and has been parading around the house with them on all day. They jingle when she walks. It's a nice accessory for the dress, eh? :)
Here's a few more pics of the dress:
All in all, this was really easy to do. The lace might seem intimitating to a beginner, but the chart is actually really easy to follow. I only found one mistake in it and I was able to compensate for that. There is probably a correction for it out there, but since I was able to make it work I didn't bother looking for it. The bodice was easy to do - you knit part of it in the round and you do a 3 needle bind off for the shoulders so there are no seams to sew on it. The only seeaming I had to do was the two side seams of the skirt and I was able to do that in a very short time. If you know a little girl who loves dresses, I highly recommend making the dress!