Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update on WIPs

Finished Projects - pictures soon!
The Nutkin Socks - they turned out slightly loose but I like them. The yarn was a bit rough at first (Fibranatura Yummy in raspberry) but as I worked with it I noticed it softening up some. I think washing them will help soften them up more.

Angry Birds - I've also been doing a bit of crocheting lately. I made not one but two pigs and one cardinal from the Angry Birds collection. I'm not a big fan of crocheting although I will do it when there's not a knit pattern for something I want to make. I probably could have converted the pattern to knitting but I was in a hurry to get the green pigs done for the kids' Easter baskets. They loved that the Easter Bunny brought them 'Happy' and 'Bob', their green pigs. Now I'm working on a second cardinal. I have to make two of everything otherwise my 2 year old and my 6 year old will fight over them and that's never good. :) It will be fun to see what they name their cardinals.

Garden Plot Dress - I've made some progress on the dress for the 2 year old. It's slow going with the bobbins but it's simple enough that I haven't messed the lace up too badly...yet. Lace isn't one of my strong points, so it takes more of my concentration than usual.

The Dreaded Beaded Scarf: - I've also managed to finish 4 full repeats of the beaded scarf I'm working on. The first repeat was tricky but now I've gotten the hang of it and it's not so dreaded anymore. It's one of those 'long term' projects. :)

More Socks! - Since I finished the Nutkins I cast on not one but two pairs of socks. Since I made a single Angee sock (Cookie A) before and liked it so much, I cast on a pair of them using some beautiful yarn that I lost the ball band for. I have no clue what kind of yarn it is but it's knitting up nicely. I've also cast on a pair of Artichoke socks in some cool yarn from Liberty Yarns.

As I listed out all my projects I realize I've been a bit of a short-attention span knitter lately. It's fun but it sure makes it hard to complete anything. I just love using all the pretty yarn I have. :)

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